minecraft service

Minecraft Server Hosting

Thursday, June 02, 2005

my first stuffy I named them my boo boo bear cuz I found out keeping track of rows in the round is next to impossible but most important part of taking on such projects Arigami is so fun though and I didn't do too bad for my first with scrap yarn

My first project of crochet a little bear Posted by Hello

I ❤️ u close up wire rose

Close up of I heart you rose Im trying to sell for $15 Posted by Hello

I ❤️ u wire rose

I heart you rose that I want to sell still its $15 if you are interested let me know rjd7703 at yahoo dot com Posted by Hello

little dress I crocheted

This is a little dress I crocheted (the back) Posted by Hello

self portrait of me after my abuse I faced

I self portraited myself and made it a mask with my abused face done by my ex abuser Posted by Hello

self portrait happy mask

I self portaited myself and made it a mask Posted by Hello