Here is my recent creation. I had a dress given to me and requested to replicate it with no pattern. My best friend wanted another one of this dress so I sat down studyed it and created this based on a dress she recieved from a friend. I think it turned out great! Im so proud. Ive been only working on this for a very very long time, at least besides knitting on a scarf for knitting in public which is a group I attend in my town. Isn't this beautiful? I love it. Im glad I made it...but I dont think I will be making another one even if she out grows this one too...she would have to do some serious begging for me to do this all over again. I didnt even know what type of stitch it was and when I found out it was a lovers knot I figured out how to do it and went with it all the way to the end...and I am never doing this stitch again or at least for a long time...its so complicated! Oh well it looks great! I love it! I think its my pride and joy so far! yay for me!

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